One Perfect Lane Merge
One of my sons has been traveling quite a bit in the past months. As I mentioned in this in a prior post, I can get stressed or annoyed when I’m a passenger and there is traffic and construction - but it made me think of all the times I had a lane closed on me in my career and what did it feel like.
Early on in my career, I had a position, just above entry level, at a manufacturing company in the Boston area. It was a fun role. I was on a small HR team.

Lane Closures
As I was driving to a coffee meet up with a new friend, I saw the dreaded "Right Lane Closed Ahead" sign. It had the blinking lights and was attached to a pickup truck, the usual set up. The lane closed sign can bring all kinds of words from one's mouth. Maybe a few unpleasant ones, maybe a huff or a grunt. I tend to sigh…